How to Play Video Poker

Video poker is played between the player and the machine on a console. Online versions in a variety of forms. The game is played similarly…

Cheating in Live Poker

People who have never played poker seem to think it is either a game for unscrupulous people or a gentleman’s game. The reality is always…

Tattoo Designs for Gamblers

Getting a tattoo is a lot of fun. Body painting has been practised in every culture, ethos, and religion since the beginning of time. You…


Casino chips have been around for a long time. Despite taking cash, credit cards, gift vouchers, and even cryptocurrency, casinos still use chips. What is…

Why Do Casinos Rotate Dealers?

We’ll debunk why casinos rotate dealers in this essay. Unbeknownst to many, casino dealer rotation is used to maintain the house’s advantage. A dealer’s success…